Here’s a video mom took of me and Athena playing. This was round 2, because mom didn’t get the camera out in time for the first g0-round. She is definitely a monkeydog (notice how she tries to bite my legs?) But I can still show her who’s boss!
Category: Ranger’s Adventures
V A C A T I O N ! ! !
It was Easter Sunday. I knew this because Mom took this ridiculous picture of me and said I was much cuter than the Easter Bunny.
"Ahhhh, I can't believe you did this to me!" Anyway, on Easter morning Mom starts putting things in bags and containers. Clothes in one container, food in another, then then cans of soda and beer. Then, she takes out a container and fills it up with MY FOOD!!! Now I’m gettin’ really excited! I’m thinkin’ we’re gonna go somewhere, and sure enough, she puts everything into the car! I can hardly stand it! It takes Mom forever to get everything loaded (she says she doesn’t want to forget anything.) Well, I decide to stay out by the car so she doesn’t forget ME. Then finally, we’re on our way!
"Let's get this show on the road!" So Mom and I went back to Bullhead City, AZ (where we met Wyatt Ray, Monkeybutt Rocket and their Pawrents a couple months ago.) This time we stayed for 4 days! Mom says that’s what a vacation is, you go away somewhere fun and just enjoy yourself. So, here are some pictures and video from my first vacation with just me and Mom:
The Colorado River Davis Camp I haven’t seen this much grass since I lived with my foster parents in California!
Paw prints in the sand "Playing can sure wear a dog out" Lounging on our private dock! Down the steps in Bullhead City
I had a really great time on vacation!
My (Almost) Perfect NASCAR Weekend
Mom and I had so much fun on our road trip to Bullhead City, AZ that she decided to take me to the Las Vegas NASCAR races! We got to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Thursday and stayed in a really neat trailer right outside the track (I never got to go into “the track” but I heard all these loud noises that mom said were cars going really, really fast) As you can imagine, I has NO desire to go in there! Anyway, I got to meet all kinds of people and dogs. Everyone was really nice and I got lots of pets and treats! Mom didn’t even feed me any kibble one day because I got ham and eggs for breakfast and steak and carrots for dinner! Here’s some pictures and a video:
Happy camper (in a camper) Shouldn't somebody be in here cooking? So, you’re probably wondering by now why my weekend was “almost” perfect. Well, Mom’s seat at the track was only about a 5 minute walk from the RV parking spot (at least that’s what she told me…”I’ll come check on you during the race, I’m only 5 minutes away”) So, I stayed alone while everyone went to the race. I was really good on Saturday, Mom checked on me like she said she would and I had a good nap. On Sunday, I heard Mom and her friends talking outside on their way to the race, and I jumped on a bed and looked out the window, but I could barely see….then they were gone. I tried to get a better look, and next thing I knew…….
Oops! So, when Mom came back to check on me, she was pretty surprised! I was a little confused, she kept saying “Ranger, you’re a baaaad dog”, ‘cept she was laughing while she said it, so I figured I wasn’t in too much trouble. Mom figured out that I was just trying to get a better view and even went back to see the rest of the race (and I was very good while she was gone.) Then I got steak for supper! After such a busy day, I was sooo tired:
I can hardly wait ’till next year!!
My First Tripawds Pawty!
Hi everyone! Sorry it took me so long to post this, but Mommy still doesn’t trust me with her computer password (something about credit cards and shopping for treats and toys) Anyway, about 2 weeks ago Mommy took me on a car ride to Arizona! I really like car rides! On the way, we stopped for a potty break and met Mommy’s friends Ge’Lena, George and Rocket. When I tried to say “hi” to Rocket he yelled at me and said “My name’s Monkeybutt!” Well, I knew right away that he didn’t like tripawds, but he eventually calmed down (which made me think he was up to something.) So, off we go to this great place on the river in Bullhead City. When we got there, Mommy talked to a lady and got a key to this really neat little cabin with a kitchen and a couch (I love laying on the couch) and a big bed! Then I got to meet Rene, Jim and Wyatt Ray Dawg! We had a great pawty with red hats (that monkeybutt ate!) and cookies! I’m not much of a talker (I prefer singing) but that Wyatt…wow is he loud! Kids these days! I grumbled and growled a little, but I gotta say, he was a pretty cool dude. Here are some pictures:
Party on…. Saying "hi" Monkeybutt eating the pawty hat You can tell why they call him "Sheriff" One big "hoppy" family…hey, who ate my hat! Me and my Mommy! As you can see, we all had a really great time! Can’t wait for the next pawty!!
Snow Day!
We have snow!! I don’t know if Ranger has ever played in the snow before, but he sure had a good time! FYI, where we live in southern Nevada (about 1 hour northwest of Las Vegas ) gets snow about once every other year. Normally, it will snow about an inch overnight and be gone by noon. This time we got about 4 inches, and by the time I got home from work (about 2pm) there was still a couple inches on the ground. His favorite part was eating the snow! Enjoy!
My Christmas Day (priceless)
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas and that Santa Paws brought you really good stuff! I got a new toy
Thanks Santa! My Sissy got a new toy too! She doesn’t looked too crazy about it, so I’m thinking “another toy for me!!!!!”
Do I look like a ball chaser to you? (I am, but only when you're not looking) The toys were great, but that’s just the beginning! Mommy didn’t have to work, so we got to spend the whole day with her and daddy. There was a fire in the fireplace and we watched BOTH Santa Paws movies. Ok, since I don’t really understand “people” humor, I have to leave this next part for Mommy, so here she is:
Orange Juice and champagne for mimosas…..$15.00
Watching movies in the family room instead………..priceless!
Well, I’m back. I hope you guys understand her weird sense of humor, ‘cuz I don’t get it (maybe if she let me have some of that orange juice stuff?) All I know is that I had lots of fun! After the movies, we went for a walk and after we got back, I tried to take a nap on the ottoman, but Mommy wanted to change the covers, but I didn’t want to get up, so this is what happened:
But it’s ok, because my sissy helped me escape
Well, it’s past Mommy’s bedtime, so she says I have to get off the computer. I hope everyone had a really great Christmas!
Luciano Puparotti!
Hours of intense training, a nationwide search to find the perfect supporting cast, rehearsal after rehearsal, and now FINALLY….opening night!
….But You Still Gotta Love Me!
Mommy is always telling me what a good boy I am! I try really hard to stay out of trouble because when I’m a good dog, I know I’ll get lots of snuggles.
I love sleeping under the blankie! My sissy Athena told be something I didn’t know. You see, she gets to sleep in the bed too
Mommy, where are you gonna sleep? But she’s not always a good dog. One day, she did this
Sorry Mommy, but I coulda swore I heard a squeaker in there! And then, she did this:
Mommy, you weren't using that pillow were you? So, Athena seemed to be having so much fun that I thought I would join in!
Look Mom, no hands (and only 1 paw!) Then I started to have second thoughts (I know, a little too late.) What if Mommy and Daddy got mad? What if they blamed Athena instead (OK, gotta admit, that wouldn’t have been a bad thing)? Well, as it turned out, they weren’t mad at all! I think Mommy was impressed that I could do that with just one front paw. So, later on that night, I hung out with Athena,
All worn out after a busy day! …and got snuggles before bedtime!
Well, Mommy just said it IS bedtime, so I hope you all have sweet dreams!
Trip to the Vet (Don’t Worry)
It’s been awhile, but Mom’s been busy at work and Dad won’t let me use the computer without adult supervision. Last Thursday Mom FINALLY took me for a car ride. I’ve been waiting forever! Here’s a picture of me a few days before, when I thought we were going, but it turned out Mom was just cleaning the car.
If we can't go for a ride, can I at least eat the french fries under the seat? So anyway, when we finally go into town the first place we go is this outdoor shopping mall and we go into a doggie bakery! Mom bought me some really good treats (but she made me save some for Athena.) Then we walked around a little and I got to meet all kinds of people. This one guy said I was really cool, and these ladies having lunch outside said I was very handsome. Then these 2 little kids wanted to pet me and I’m so glad mom said it was OK, because I LOVE getting pets! After that, mom wanted a treat too so we went to Ben and Jerry’s. I patiently waited outside while Mom got a scoop of strawberry ice cream. Then we sat outside and I got to try a little. It was really good (I didn’t even try to eat the spoon!)
After that we drove to the vet’s office. Don’t worry, I’m not sick, mom just wanted me to have a check-up and let everyone there meet me. They took care of my sister Spirit Sadie, and mom told them about me even before she adopted me. They’re all really nice, even when they had to take my temperature! I weighed in at 68lbs, but I had my ruff wear harness on so I probably really weigh a little less. Doc said I looked great and told mom to make sure I didn’t gain any weight (he knows how much Mom likes to spoil me.) She also bought this food bowl with these big knobbies in it so that I don’t gobble my food up so fast. Then it was time so say goodbye.
The last place we went was Petco! They let mom exchange a big bag of food that she bought for Sadie for some food for me. Mom said Spirit Sadie just eats lots of treats now and doesn’t need regular food (imagine that!) Then it was time to drive back to Pahrump. That was one great day!