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My (Almost) Perfect NASCAR Weekend

Mom and I had so much fun on our road trip to Bullhead City, AZ  that she decided to take me to the Las Vegas NASCAR races! We got to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Thursday and stayed in a really neat trailer right outside the track (I never got to go into “the track” but I heard all these loud noises that mom said were cars going really, really fast) As you can imagine, I has NO desire to go in there!  Anyway, I got to meet all kinds of people and dogs.  Everyone was really nice and I got lots of pets and treats!  Mom didn’t even feed me any kibble one day because I got ham and eggs for breakfast and steak and carrots for dinner! Here’s some pictures and a video:


Happy camper (in a camper)
Shouldn't somebody be in here cooking?



So, you’re probably wondering by now why my weekend was “almost” perfect.  Well, Mom’s seat at the track was only about a 5 minute walk from the RV parking spot (at least that’s what she told me…”I’ll come check on you during the race, I’m only 5 minutes away”)  So, I stayed alone while everyone went to the race.  I was really good on Saturday, Mom checked on me like she said she would and I had a good nap.  On Sunday, I heard Mom and her friends talking outside on their way to the race, and I jumped on a bed and looked out the window, but I could barely see….then they were gone.  I tried to get a better look, and next thing I knew…….



So, when Mom came back to check on me, she was pretty surprised! I was a little confused, she kept saying “Ranger, you’re a baaaad dog”, ‘cept she was laughing while she said it, so I figured I wasn’t in too much trouble.  Mom figured out that I was just trying to get a better view and even went back to see the rest of the race (and I was very good while she was gone.)  Then I got steak for supper! After such a busy day, I was sooo tired:

Ahhh, a warm blankie and a foot to lay on!

I can hardly wait ’till next year!!


8 responses to “My (Almost) Perfect NASCAR Weekend”

  1. Dakota Dawg Avatar
    Dakota Dawg

    Oh Ranger, you lucky dog! I’m gonna try that today! I’m gonna place my steak order and then eat the window coverings! Is that how you do it? Mmmm…steak…

    Love, D.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Nah, just make sure it’s somebody else s window coverings and then give that “I’m so sorry” look….works for me!

  2. wyattraydawg Avatar

    Dude, I could top that one! Thought you did waaay more damage than that piddly little thing.

    Cool that you got to go to Nascar. That noise would have made me insane though.

    I mean, more insane than usual.

    You know what I mean.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      I could have done LOTS of damage (you should have seen all the stuff laying around that trailer!) With age comes wisdom my friend, and I’ve learned that it’s possible to have my cake ( blinds) and eat it (steak) too! Wyatt, you are not yet a Jedi, but some day……

  3. admin Avatar

    😮 OMD! Whose trailer? That’s exactly why Mr. WRD gets zip-tied into his crate if we ever leave him in the rig.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Ranger was actually really good except for that. It was my friend’s trailer, and it really seemed like he just wanted to look out. Someone even suggested pulling up the blinds, but I figured he would just stop trying to look out once we had left for the race. Luckily, it happened after Ranger had been on his best behavior for 2 days prior. I did feel a little bad when I saw the blinds outside by our trash the next day :0

  4. Jennifer Avatar

    What a corker. It’s so obvious he just wants to be with his mom! I love reading these stories. I hope we can come visit you guys this summer, I have a conference in August and I’d love to stop by to see the big guy!

    He looks so handsome in his t-shirt 🙂

    1. Lisa Avatar

      I love taking him on adventures! He is so good and easy to manage! I would love it if you could come over to visit.

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