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My First Tripawds Pawty!

Hi everyone! Sorry it took me so long to post this, but Mommy still doesn’t trust me with her computer password (something about credit cards and shopping for treats and toys) Anyway, about 2 weeks ago Mommy took me on a car ride to Arizona! I really like car rides! On the way, we stopped for a potty break and met Mommy’s friends Ge’Lena, George and Rocket. When I tried to say “hi” to Rocket he yelled at me and said “My name’s Monkeybutt!” Well, I knew right away that he didn’t like tripawds, but he eventually calmed down (which made me think he was up to something.) So, off we go to this great place on the river in Bullhead City. When we got there, Mommy talked to a lady and got a key to this really neat little cabin with a kitchen and a couch (I love laying on the couch) and a big bed! Then I got to meet Rene, Jim and Wyatt Ray Dawg! We had a great pawty with red hats (that monkeybutt ate!) and cookies! I’m not much of a talker (I prefer singing) but that Wyatt…wow is he loud! Kids these days! I grumbled and growled a little, but I gotta say, he was a pretty cool dude. Here are some pictures:

Party on….
Saying "hi"
Monkeybutt eating the pawty hat
You can tell why they call him "Sheriff"
One big "hoppy" family…hey, who ate my hat!
Me and my Mommy!

As you can see, we all had a really great time! Can’t wait for the next pawty!!


6 responses to “My First Tripawds Pawty!”

  1. cometdog Avatar

    I was there in spirit! I could have shut that Wyatt up but I would have loved hearing him (to a point)!
    Thanks for the Xmas toy Lisa! Even if I didn’t get to play with it, it was still the thought that counted (as the saying goes)!

    Sadie says she misses you but is so happy you are happy! She’s swell and a great friend! We have lots of “only in Vegas” stories to tell to all of our new friends! And yes, dogs in doggie heaven can’t believe that people actually live in Vegas and don’t work in a casino! Sheesh!

    Angel Cometdog

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Thank you Pink Angel Comet for letting me know how Sadie’s doing. I imagine the little toy I bought can’t compare to what’s available in doggie heaven. I miss Sadie Bear too, but I know she’s happy. Your Mom and Dad had as much fun as possible I think, but boy did they miss you (of course you already know that.) And Monkeybutt really missed you too (I’m sure he’ll try to deny it, but it was pretty obvious to me.)


  2. etgayle Avatar

    what great pictures!! ranger, looks like you were giving that wyatt ‘what for’…sounds like a great adventure.

    gayle & charon

  3. admin Avatar

    Boy, Wyatt is behind on the blogs! Figgered he would have commented by now, being the loudmouth that he is. Thanks for tolerating him, a fun time was had by all.

  4. wyattraydawg Avatar

    BARK! BARK!!!! Ranger, you’re pretty cool, but you gotta speak up dude. Remember, the squeaky dawg gets the treats.

    I had a blast too. Thanks for driving all the way over to Arizona to see us! Let’s pawty again K?

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Squeaky?!? Hahahahah! You are so NOT “squeaky”! However, we sure did get lots of treats! Thanks for taking that pineapple off my paws though….

      Until next time,

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