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Ranger’s video premier (in his new home)

Athena, Joe and I are enjoying every minute of Ranger’s company! There will be many stories to come, but for now (since I’m new to this blog thing) I’m going to try to share a video I recorded today of Ranger playing…watch?v=WFxpLCsj1P8


8 responses to “Ranger’s video premier (in his new home)”

  1. fightingforsammy Avatar

    What a sweetie! Both your dogs are so well behaved you would have no idea that they didn’t grow up together. They get along so well! I love that center piece that Ranger jumps up on. What a perfectly comfortable place for anyone, especially a dog 🙂
    Great job getting the puppies connected. He looks like he landed in a great home!!
    Elizabeth and Sammy

  2. janeothejungle Avatar

    What a Great Boy!!!! I plays the same way in the house. So glad this handsome boy found such a great home!

    Luvs, Rosie

  3. admin Avatar

    What a Happy Boy! 🙂

    FYI: You can easily embed videos right here in your blog by pasting the YouTube view page URL on a line by itself, with no link. As a Tripawds Supporter you also have access to enhanced embedding options by activating the Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin.

  4. Jennifer Avatar

    He’s so happy! I bet that over-sized ottoman is his favorite spot 🙂 So wonderful to see him playing fetch and enjoying his new family. Gives me goosebumps!

    1. Lisa Avatar

      He absolutely loves the ottoman! When we went sofa shopping a couple years ago, we were looking for a sectional with an ottoman. We couldn’t believe it when we found one that was so BIG! We put it right up against the couch and Ranger can get right next to us without anyone (person or dog) falling off!

  5. cometdog Avatar

    Oh Ranger! What a happy boy you are! I can wait to meet you and totally corrupt you!
    I saw Athena giving you the stinky eye! What is the deal with the fully functioning four legged creatures! Don’t they understand that we are special and they are just co-stars in our world?


    – Cool Cat Comet

    1. Lisa Avatar

      Hi Comet! I can’t wait to meet you either! I asked mom what “corrupt” means and she said “be a good boy Ranger” so now I’m confused. I guess you’ll have to explain it when we meet. Athena’s pretty cool considering she’s got that weird extra leg. She keeps sticking her butt in my face though (I’m not sure what that means, but mom said I need to join some AMBF thing) Maybe you can explain that one to me too! Well, mom wants to go play now, so I’ll be in touch!


  6. opie/mattie Avatar

    I hijacked my angel brother’s avatar to try and get in touch with Athena. Athena, you are in grave danger. Your new brother, Ranger, is going to slowly take over all of your pawrents’ attention. Tripawds always get all the attention and quad pawds get the “tension.” Seriously, you must join us quadpawds and fight the tripawd power. Undercover Monkey Face Mattie.

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